Are you combat-ready with YOUR weapons?
North Star Weaponry is the answer to the question:
'Can I really master classical weapons in such a way that I can fight with them?'
Yes, you can.
The systematic approach is the key!
Weapon combat training for classical forms and their realistic applications!
Experience the sophisticated efficiency and effectiveness of Northstar Weaponry.
Learn the weapons of the old legendary days and the unique art of the Wudang Sword Style, as well as the Stick Fighting System from the Dark Warrior Clan.
Get started with your professional education from home or in person!​
Not the control of the weapon, but the control of your body using the weapon leads to mastery.
The sword is everywhere and nowhere.
The space of the dragon is impregnable.
The phoenix flies to the 7 stars.

Without decency, the realization of the body and self is limited, because it is the decency that reminds us of the profound wisdom that rests within us.
Without certainty, the path to the true-self, layer by layer, is not possible.
What has this to do with martial arts?
Be certain in your ways, so you can express SURENESS and TRUST in every move and action you do.
Maintain decency so you know when you are crossing an unwritten border, or when you should not cross it. In ancient times and the art of weaponry, this ability was the one that decided over life and death. It's not different today.
Be aware of what you are capable of, be aware of what weapons & skills are maintaining inside yourself, be aware of what you can achieve with them but also what harm they could cause.
If I needed to summerise our education program into only one term, then it is the term: 'REAL'.
No matter what we do, whether traditional or modern, whether innovation or classical training methods, ... it is REAL. Realistic and simple.
There are innumerable weapon experts who teach FIGHTING. There are at least that many who teach the FORM (solo practices) without conveying the applications behind it.
NORTH STAR WEAPONRY appears exactly at that point, NW is the synthesis of these two aspects:
A) MASTERY of the body with and through the weapon.
B) Realistic applicability of the learned movements.
Get in touch in order to convince yourself.